Parking Level 3, 183 Rivonia Road, Morningside, Sandton

Tag: home cinema

Signature Smart Homes

What’s Better Than A Night Out At The Cinema? A Night In At your Home Cinema, Of Course!

A night in with your home cinema Social distancing, the biggest buzz words of the decade, so far! With Covid-19 still in the air, and the more responsible members of our communities choosing to stay home as much as possible to lessen the spread, a night out at the cinema just isn’t an option right …

Klipsch THX Ultra2 and Rotel – Loud & Proud

We All Want Big Booming Sound… Now you can get it with Klipsch THX Ultra2 Big Booming sound! That’s what we all want, right? Right! But achieving this is not always easy. But we, at Sound X Perience, have found a combination that will leave your windows shaking in all the right ways! First up, …

Sound X Perience – A Turnkey Home Cinema Xperience That Is Just Right For You

Date Night Just Got Better – nd we can help you with a Turnkey Home Cinema! There are few things in life better than date night – snuggling up to the love of your life, with a box of warm popcorn and a good movie. Why not make this a reality with the comfort of …

When Klipsch THX Meets Denon – 2019 Will Never Be The Same Again

We Have Found Sound-Heaven… Some people talk about a match made in heaven – We at Sound X Perience have found sound-heaven, and it’s a good as we imagined. We start with Klipsch THX speakers and pair them with a Denon AVR X-8500H. The tagline for the Klipsch THX Ultra2 speakers is, Beyond Your Expectations, …

The Magic of M&K Sound Meets Rotel’s Resplendence – Pure Perfection

Sound X Perience’s Obsession – M&K Sound! We at Sound X Perience are fans of sound – this, we have never tried to hide. Something else we don’t hide – our little crush on M&K Sound. Maybe it’s not little. Maybe it’s not a crush. Maybe it is a full-on obsession – but who’s judging, …

High-End Home Cinema – The Complete Solution

We Love What We Do High-end Home Cinema courtesy of Sound Xperience At Sound X Perience, we love what we do! We love the looks on our client’s faces when we hand over a completed job – when they see their dreams realized. We love the fact that we play a part, however small, in …

Monitor Audio – What’s Better Than Gold? Platinum, Of Course

Sound, beautiful sound! What would we be without sound? Without birds in the background, without children’s laughter, without music – and without joy, for sound I dare say sound, is joy. Xperience High-End Sound And joy is experiencing the magic of high-end sound emanating from high-end speakers. Joy is the Monitor Audio Platinum series, now …

Steinway Lyngdorf

Quality Meets Sophistication with Steinway Lyngdorf When beauty is refined and quality meets sophistication, a new world of AV extravagance opens up before your eyes, and captures the imagination of even the most enthused audiophiles. Steinway Lyngdorf is uniquely positioned to offer a bespoke AV experience that will satisfy your craving for undeniable audio quality, …

StormAudio – Immersive Sound Processors

StormAudio – The Answer To Your Deepest AV Desire When AV runs through your veins and nothing but the best will satisfy your hunger for quality, Storm Audio is the answer to your deepest desire. Sometimes, it is just not possible to put a price tag on perfection, and once you have experienced StormAudio in …

JVC And Black Diamond – A Match Made In AV Heaven

Every year, trends sweep across the world, and millions buy into them – for good reason. In 2019, Premium Home Cinemas are becoming the yard-stick by which success is measured, and the bigger, the better. A True Audio Visual Xperience When it comes to quality in the AV field, we know what we are talking …