Parking Level 3, 183 Rivonia Road, Morningside, Sandton

Lutron Introduces MyRoom Plus – And We Can’t-Wait!

Signature Smart Homes

Lutron Introduces MyRoom Plus – And We Can’t-Wait!

In a world where automation has become as ordinary as your morning cup of coffee, brands are having to think out of the box, and really go the extra mile in order to stand out in a pretty saturated market. Has Lutron achieved this with MyRoom Plus?

Much the same as Home Automation, Guest Room Experience technology is ten-a-penny and standing out can be easier said than done. Well, as it turns out, nobody told Lutron this, and the brand has delivered categorically with its class-leading, awe-inspiring myRoom Plus technology – leaving absolutely nothing to be desired on the commercial Guest Room Experience front.

Lutron’s innovative myRoom Plus provides for unmatched energy savings, putting money back into the pockets of investors, and taking care of the planet at the same time.

Lutron MyRoom Plus

So, what does myRoom Plus do? Essentially, this Guest Room Experience technology detects usage of rooms and spaces in hotels, and automatically adjusts energy-hungry devices including air-conditioners, lights and shades to optimize light and heat sources and reduce wastage of energy.

When a guest checks into one of your beautiful hotel rooms during the day, while still standing at the reception desk, myRoom Plus technology will open the shades in the room, and set the HVAC system to a pre-determined setting, ensuring that the guest enters a well-lit, fresh room. At night, your guest would enter a room where the shades are closed, and the lights dimly lit. Upon entering, the lights would brighten, and the HVAC would once again adjust to a desirable, but energy-efficient standard.

The power of comfort then shifts to the guest, who has the ability to over-ride the system to achieve their optimum comfort. But here is the kicker – when the guest leaves the room, it automatically enters its energy-saving mode, ensuring that energy wastage is kept to an absolute minimum.

Various working modes exist including Vacant (wherein everything is switched off), Sold (wherein HVAC will drift to ensure the room is within 5 degrees of the optimal temperature), Sold Checked-in (Wherein the HVAC is within 3 degrees of the optimal temperature), Occupied (wherein the guest has control of the room) and Checked out (wherein the room returns to a vacant state).

But the advantages of myRoom Plus do not end there…

As a hotel manager, this technology also puts every piece of information about your hotel, in the palm of your hand. From a computer or tablet, you will know exactly what rooms are occupied, how often they are occupied and for how long on average. You will know if lights are not working, or if the HVAC system is malfunctioning. You will even be able to tell if your hotel staff are using rooms without authorization, a massive issue within the hotel industry. Nothing escapes myRoom Plus, and the owners and investors in the hotels reap the rewards.

The system is also able to detect who is entering the room at any particular time, whether it be staff (for cleaning or turn-down services), or guests. For staff, a welcome scene is not needed, while guests naturally need all the bells and whistles.

With the economic state of the world becoming tighter and tighter, commercial spaces are being forced to get Smart about saving, and Lutron is Smart personified, with its energy-saving, natural-light harvesting systems.

Want to know more about this life-changing business technology? Give us a call and our friendly sales staff will talk you through everything you need to know. Alternatively, click here.


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